Port Augusta City Council has multiple positions available on its Aboriginal Community Advisory Group.
The Aboriginal Community Advisory Group was established in 2020 to build relationships and respect between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) people and other Australians. This group informs and advises the Council on ways in which we work together to identify opportunities that meet individual and shared aspirations, drive equality and build sustainability in our local community.
The Group provide advice and guidance to the Council on the strategies and priorities that the Council should implement within the Port Augusta Aboriginal Community to ensure that positive outcomes are achieved that are consistent with the cultural requirements of our diverse Aboriginal Community.
The Group also keeps Council informed of issues impacting the Aboriginal Community and how Council can be more inclusive of Aboriginal groups, individuals and communities.
The Group has provided critical input to the development of the Reconciliation Action Plan providing insight as to how Council can be more inclusive of Aboriginal groups, individuals and communities.
For all enquiries please contact Denham Ellis Community Development Officer at the Port Augusta City Council on phone: 08 8641 9015 or email: communitydevelopment@portaugusta.sa.gov.au
INSTRUCTIONS: If you are interested in being considered for membership to the Advisory Group, please complete and lodge this form https://www.portaugusta.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/1582201/Expression-of-Interest-Aboriginal-Community-Advisory-Group-2024.pdf
with your personal details and relevant experience by 5.00pm Friday 3rd May 2024 at the Port Augusta Council Civic Centre, 4 Mackay St Port Augusta SA 5700 or by email to Denham Ellis communitydevelopment@portaugusta.sa.gov.au.
All applications will be assessed in order of merit.
