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Arabana Repatriation Update


The Arabana Aboriginal Corporation (AAC) Board has recently considered the outcomes of the work conducted by AAC nominees Dr Veronica Arbon and Tara Collier in partnership with Anna Russo at the South Australian Museum to confirm the provenance of Arabana ancestors held at the Museum in Adelaide.

The archival research has confirmed there are eight (8) Arabana ancestors (seven adults and one child) that need to be reburied.

The next step in the repatriation process is for the Board, in consultation with community, to select an appropriate reburial location for the eight Arabana ancestors and to schedule a date for the reburials.

Some Arabana Elders have suggested the Finnis Springs cemetery as an appropriate final resting place for our eight ancestors. The Board would like to hear from any community members who would like to put forward their view on this suggestion or who may have any other suggestions for a final ancestral resting place.

If you have any questions about the repatriation project so far or would like to put forward your views or suggestions, please contact the AAC or call Dr Veronica Arbon on mobile 0410 920 338 or email

The AAC would appreciate all feedback by 30 September 2023 so we can continue planning this important work.

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