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Continued Protection for Mound Springs

Building on the extensive work Arabana Rangers have done with Friends of Mound Springs (FOMS), a new fencing initiative will protect the culturally important and ecologically significant Great Artesian Basin mound springs along the Strzelecki Track.

For Aboriginal people across the region, the connection to water is profound. Surface water and surrounding environments, including the vegetation, hold high cultural values due to their link to important ancestral storylines. The GAB springs and topographical features are integral to many cultural stories, events, and practices that emerged from trade and communication corridors.

Located at Reedy Springs and St Mary’s Pool on Murnpeowie Station, the new fencing will restrict access for vehicles, livestock, and feral animals, while still allowing access for native wildlife. This initiative is part of a larger project supporting waterhole and springs management through on-ground work such as fencing, pest animal and plant control, and watercourse erosion management, which has been ongoing for the past 18 months and includes projects with Arabana Rangers.

Read more about this ongoing project on the SA Arid Lands website.

PHOTO: Courtesy of SAAL website and story

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