Arru all
The count for the three new NTMA (Native title mining agreements) has now been completed and the results are below.
Thank you to all Arabana People who participated in the postal vote.
94.9% voted yes to making the decision by postal vote.
93.6% voted yes to authorise the Corporation to enter into the three Native Title Mining Exploration Agreements.
The detailed results of the vote are:
Vote 1:
1. I, as an Arabana Common Law/Native Title Holder agree:
a. to the Arabana making decisions by a postal vote;
b. that each Arabana Common Law/Native Title Holder over the age of 18 years shall have one vote; and
c. the decision shall be by majority voting in favour.
Yes) 75 No) 4
Vote 2:
I authorise the Arabana Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC to enter into the Part 9B Mining Exploration Agreement with BHP Olympic Dam Corporation Pty Ltd.
Yes) 73 No) 5
Vote 3:
I authorise the Arabana Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC to enter into the Part 9B Mining Exploration Agreement with Oz Exploration Pty Ltd.
Yes) 73 No) 5
Vote 4:
I authorise the Arabana Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC to enter into the Part 9B Mining Exploration Agreement with Strategic Caldera Pty Ltd.
Yes) 73 No) 5